Emigrate New Zealand

Packing up your home and saying goodbye

The introduction of disease to the soil or plant life, could be absolutely disastrous for New Zealand, whose production from the land accounts for half of its export earnings. As a result, it has strict laws governing what can be brought into the country.

No wicker articles are allowed and all sporting and camping equipment etc must be cleaned thoroughly before packing. Foodstuffs are also restricted and an up to date list should be available from the Immigration Department.

As an immigrant you will be entitled to double baggage allowance on some flights (worth checking, when booking) so a good tip is to fill any spare suitcases with your linen, bedding etc. You might as well bring it with you for free, rather than using up valuable space in a packing crate.

All homes in NZ whether rented or for sale, must by law, leave a cooker, and some form of carpet and all curtains. If you are buying a property it is worth checking with the vendor whether he intends to leave the cooker etc that is there at the moment, as some people will take their new appliance and replace with an old one before the move.

Bring your iron in your hand luggage and remember to bring an adaptor as the plugs are different. As you will have lots of suitcases, one case, clearly marked, providing clothing for all the family for the first few days, will avoid the necessity of searching through eight different bags looking for socks for dad!

Be realistic about the things you ship out, supposing you decide to send your ironing board by sea, are you prepared to do without one for eight weeks until it arrives or will you need to buy one anyway? A music centre on the other hand is an expensive item to replace and you can manage without it until your crates arrive.

Saying goodbyes

It is not a good idea to leave all your goodbyes to the last minute. By starting a few weeks in advance, catching up with distant relatives and friends, you will have more time nearer to your departure to spend with close friends and family.

You might feel you want to give small mementos to special friends and family, perhaps a photograph in a nice frame would be a good touch.

Try and give everyone an opportunity to chat with you, some people will be hurt and confused by your decision and might need to talk things through. It can be an emotional time but is also very exciting.

Promises to come for a visit in a year or so, can soften the departure and give everyone something to look forward to.

Dedicated to bringing you the best information about emigrating to New Zealand.
Brought to you in association with British Sweet Treats